- NYC -

County Youth Policies.

Engage. Participate. Legislate

We are enhancing The Participation By And Role Of The Youth In The Democratic process & all spheres through domestication of the Kenya Youth Development Policy

NYC Intends to build & strengthen multi-sectoral coordination of YSOs at the National and County levels

Bringing together Youth groups, community-based organisations, NGOs, and civil society movements

Procurement Opportunities

NYC gives equal opportunities to Youth, women and PWDs, practising honesty and transparency during tendering processes


We look forward to constantly engaging with the NYC Strategic Stakeholders,those of interest with that of the Council through Rights based,Professional,Main streamed,Sustainable and Coordinated Approaches guided by the  NYC Strategic plan, 2017-2022,NYC Act 2009,KYDP 2019 and the KYDP 2019. 

Youth Voice NYC Newsletter

Enhancing Youth capacity to actively participate in economic, social and political spheres for prosperity through strategic consultations, engagements & partnerships

NYC & KPC Support to Bodaboda Association

To diversify its outreach in regards to fighting COVID19, NYC engaged with Boda Boda Safety Association of Kenya….

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Nyc’s Covid-19 Response To Persons With Disabilities

NYC organized a first distribution to Persons With Disabilities on at Shauri Moyo on 19th May 2020 through its youth champions to reach out to…..

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Phase One Of Nyc-Chandaria Distribution

On 20th May 2020, NYC alongside Chandaria Industries distributed masks, tissue papers and liquid hand wash to twenty youth champions in…..

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NYC Partnership with Ajiry inTraining Youth

On18th May 2020, NYC partnered with Centum, Sidian Bank and Mastercard Foundation through its pilot Ajiry programme, where a total of….

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    Far far away, behind the word Mountains far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmark

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    Marks and devious Semikoli but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.